Thursday, January 16, 2014

Building Monsters

I hate it when people change and specially when the new version of that person is so different that its impossible to even recognize them. I'm not talking about physical changes but instead changes which involve things like attitude and innocence. Its horrible to see how time, life and people bruise a person so bad, break their heart into million little shards and build a monster out of someone who was like an angel. But the worst part is that you were right there watching them change and go dark in front of your eyes, and you couldn't do a thing about it.
Sometimes I think it's life and that everybody changes at one point or another. I mean, even I have changed. Even I have lost my innocence before time and even though I know that I am wiser and stronger now, I still miss the careless and innocent version of me who is lost somewhere in the time. I just hate the way tough times change us in the most brutal way and damage us beyond repair. I have seen people change in front of my eyes. Angels becoming monsters and no matter how hard I tried there was nothing I could do to bring them back. Its not that I never tried but  some changes are irreversible. Like they say, "the damage is already done". Life damaging people miserably.

Sometimes I think that people who influence them are to blamed because I have seen so many people who changed under bad influences. It was like they were a piece of paper folded in so many different ways that it became hard to imagine how it looked like before. I just don't get how someone has a right to change a person for their own selfish reasons. How can they treat someone that way.

But sometimes I believe that no matter what people, time or life do to you, its ultimately your choice whether to be influenced or not. Your heart can break so may time but if you faith that someday things will change, maybe you'll be better off. Maybe you'll still be yourself and no matter how much someone tries to change, just hold on to who you really are. You'll get through.

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