Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sweet Uncertainty

.Life is so uncertain. Isn't it? I mean all along you expect something from it and it keeps surprising you. Every   choice you make and every road you take starts an unexpected chain reaction. There are so many possibilities and so many uncertainties. And at the end, you would always be surprised about how quickly things change.
You can come up with a million theories and thousand ways to see a thing but you can never be sure about it. It happens with me all the time. I try to explain something with a possibility but I hate it when it ends up becoming an uncertainty. Yeah, that's probably because I'm a curious person.I hate it when I cant find answers or cant seek the truth. I always want to know all the answers. I don't want doubts.
But I know that good things come into my life out of nowhere. I find them when I least expect them and they always catch me off- guard. Its not necessary that I'll always know them. They will always be uncertain. But I know that I have to trust them. I do have many questions but guess what, sometimes its okay not to know all the answers. All I need to put in is a little faith.