Friday, January 04, 2013


Have you ever felt like wanting the same thing you're running from? Have you ever held on to something which is long gone? Have you ever tried to preserve something which had decayed long ago? Have you ever felt that you are taking more than you can get? And you still follow it. You feel guilty when you want it and it chases you if you run from it. That feeling is bittersweet. Its not wrong but its not right either. Its not even something in-between wrong and right. Its just both at the same time. I have heard that we should never blame anyone in our lives because everyone leave us with something to hold on to.
Good people give us happiness to cherish. Bad people give us experiences to live with. Worst people give us lessons to learn from and best people give us memories to hold on to. But what kind of people give us all these things at the same time? The ones who make us smile and frown at the same time. The ones who make us feel wrong and right at the same time. The ones who are bitter and sweet at the same time. Sadly I don't have answers to these questions but I have been through all this a couple of times. I know that life's to short to wake up with regret so I should let go of things I cant change, but this seems like an almost impossible task. Every morning I wake up and try not to think of it but somehow it manages to cross my mind all the time. I don't know how am I supposed to let it go when it follows me around. But you know all this stuff is important. Because life is best at bittersweet. Maybe I want it all so sweet but without the bitterness I wouldn't have ever known sweetness. Without this bitter-sweetness i wouldn't have been me. Because sometimes its okay to not know all the answers. So tomorrow when I'll wake up, I'll try and pack these memories in boxes and keep them in the corners of my mind where I'll not cross them that often. And one day when I have my answers, I'll open those boxes and confront all uncertainties...