Sunday, December 13, 2015

Tiny Little Bottles

I believe that memories are like little perfume bottles stored in our mind. Each having a distinct fragrance, color and effect. Even after a long time has passed, you just need the tiniest rippled to cause a flood, bringing in these distinct feelings and fragrances gushing into your mind. But these floods sometimes cause a little damage. They remind you of better times which make you nostalgic. Or the stormy days that make you wonder how you survived. Each little bottle has its own significance.

So sometimes I like to let these memories loose. Flow around a bit, wash over in wave of nostalgia, and do a little destruction on the shores sometimes. I enjoy reliving these things that are gone, even if they're the hard stuff because they keep reminding me how strong I can be. Even if they make me miss the good times. Or make me regret something. All the embarrassing stuff. All the days I wish I had lived differently.
I like to think about my past. Somehow each memory has its distinct fragrance. Some memories smell like musk, the memories of a fresh start. The first day at high school, new resolutions, the first love. Some smell like sunshine. All the fun with friends, garden parties,sunbath on the beach and watching chic flicks late night. Some smell like the freshly fallen rain. The forbidden love, mind games, random cups of coffee. Some like crisp autumn breeze. Like meeting new and intriguing people, studying late night and making amendments. And some smell like burning coals. Like reading book on a winter night, baking cookies for Christmas or sitting around bonfires eating smores.

I know remembering them makes me nostalgic. And trust me, nostalgia hurts. But sometimes I need these memories to remind me who I am because they hold the experiences, the pain, the happiness, the laughter, the tears, the heartbreaks and everything that makes me who I am. And when I am lost, they guide me back home. 

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