Monday, September 28, 2015

Flames to Embers

So, yesterday I went to this bonfire party with my friends. And after everybody had left, I stayed to get some alone time. You see, I was having a tough week because last Monday, the universe suddenly decided that it hated me and started to conspire against me. Hence my state of mind. This time I was pretty sure that I wouldn't recover so I sat alone, in  front of the restless flames, feeling as if nothing was going to be okay ever again. As I sat there, hopelessly pondering, the fire started to die. And as I saw the flames turn to embers, something occurred to me.

I started wondering if time does eventually heal everything. And with that I also started hoping that I'd be fine with the passing time. So the thing is, shit happens in our lives and sometimes things get so bad that we start to wonder if we'll make it out alive. I was wondering if I'd make it out alive or not.

We all have our demons, and at some point of time in our lives, they confront us in their most horrifying and terrifying form. We start to wonder if our demons are ever gonna stop haunting us, if these wounds are ever gonna heal or will this pain be here to stay forever.

Sometimes you think it will. You feel as if nothing in the world will ever compensate for what happened and nothing will ever be normal. But trust me it will be okay again. Time heals, slowly but almost always. Wounds become scars and tears become something from the past. The pain eventually goes away, leaving room for hope and a possibility of happiness.

So I have hope. Hope that I'll be fine again. Hope that every lost battle will stop mattering as new victories are accomplished. Hope that empty spaces created by all the people who left will be filled up with the ones who cared to stay. Hope that every ounce of darkness and unhappiness will be replaced by simple things of joy. I'm hoping that it will happen sooner rather than later.

Maybe my burn of suffering is like that fire from last night, still blazing hot. But I'm quite sure that with time, it will turn to embers and I'll make it out alive just fine.


  1. I know the feeling. I have a lot going on right now too and I too feel like the universe hates me but hang in there it will all pass. If you wanna talk I'm here.

    1. well, thanks for reading..And I really appreciate your concern
