Friday, June 21, 2013

Castle of Cards

As a child, I remember building the castle of cards. For those who don't know what it is, a castle of cards is a structure created by piling up and balancing playing cards on one on top of another. I remember, everytime when I was just about to place the final card to complete my castle, the whole structure used to collapse. Its not like I couldn't ever make a complete castle of cards but just that even when I completed it, all it took was a single blow of air to ruin everything. This post is not about my experiences with building a card castle, but instead its about how fragile happiness is. Just like a Castle of Cards.

When I was young, like every person, I also expected perfect scripted movie scenes in my life. What's funny is, that life is not a movie and you don't always get your happy ending. Because happiness is the most fragile thing in the world. Like a castle of cards, all it takes to ruin it, is a single blow. You can find happiness today and the next moment it might as well be gone. Its funny that things that were perfect a minute ago are burned to ashes now.

I have grown up now and I've seen good and bad days. I no more believe in happy endings and fairytales. Maybe I'll sleep happy today and wake up sad tomorrow. But you know one thing, there is another thing which is as fragile as castle of cards, and it's called sadness. I know, sadness takes a long time to fade but it doesn't means that you cant be happy again. You just have to let the pain remind you that hearts can heal. And you have to remember the way you felt when you were happy and maybe that's what will get you through all the shit.

Yeah, I remember I said that just like happiness, castles of cards shatter too quickly. But I think the feeling you get when you see that perfect castle in front of your eyes is completely priceless and worth it. So, remember that no matter how fragile happiness is, its always priceless and always worth the sorrow which you face when its gone.


  1. this one was great
    really nice

  2. This one was so awesome
    like always, your posts are so inspiring and incredible

  3. It's so creative and inspiring how you related happiness to a castle of cards!! Awesomesauce!!!
